Really great info here . . . WordStream has done the research demonstrating that PPC ads (AdWords) are better than SEO organic links because they “beat out organic clicks by nearly a 2:1 margin for keywords with high commercial intent . . . 64.6% of people click on Google Ads when they are looking to buy an item online!”
Even if this wasn’t the case, we always recommend that anyone interested in SEO for business goals starts with PPC, because it gives you the most amazing access to fast A/B testing to:
- Establish your message with initial keyword research and testing
- Find the right words that actually connect with your potential sales audience (that’s customers, folks . . .)
- Find the right copy that will convert prospects to buyers
- Get your Call-To-Action, sales funnel and product established
What does all that mean? Basically you will advertise and make money while performing market research customized to you that’s worth millions dollars in market testing.
Check out their article:
And if you want to get started with an AdWords campaign, get in contact with us right now so we can help you get going and avoid the common pitfalls most businesses fall into when starting AdWords campaigns alone.